Friday, December 24, 2010

What is 'Emby'?

Welcome to my new blog.  I have something of an obsession with blogging - I love the outlet, love sharing my life, and love the distraction it brings from both everyday life, and daily stress.

In July, 2009 I married my best friend.  In planning our wedding, I created a login on a popular wedding-related website and became very well known on the message boards under the alias 'MountainBride'.

A lot of people shortened that to 'MB'. . .one thing led to another, and it eventually became 'Emby'.  So there you have it, yours truly!

The primary purpose of this blog is personal: I simply want to document the next big thing in our lives.  On December 17th, 2010 we got our very first BFP.  I'll have to tell you about that in the first real blog post. . .so read on!

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