Friday, February 18, 2011

First Scan!

On January 14th, I mustered up my courage (I'm terrified of doctors and medical procedures) and headed in for my very first prenatal appointment at 7weeks, 4 days pregnant.

The appointment started off with the usual routine of peeing in a cup, getting weighed, blood pressure (which, I failed miserably due to a sad case of white coat hypertension!), and sitting in a room waiting to be seen.  Eventually the nurse came in, did a whole workup on my health history before bringing out the torture devices for a pap smear.

Finally, it was time to see the baby!  I was nervous because I had been experiencing some spotting, one night I cried thinking that it was over and we'd lost the baby.  It was a tense few moments as she moved the transducer around to find the baby, and all of a sudden there he was - a little blob with a little flickering heartbeat, fluttering away at 174 beats per minute!

Baby Emby is the little blob to the left of the black void.

That made the ensuing blood draw so much more tolerable :)  I got through that in one piece, and went on my way with a sense of relief and pride.  We did it!

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